Friday, May 13, 2011

Common Food Exemptions

The food industries have much persuasion over regulatory organizations and can therefore assist in establishing laws that protect them. One of the ways that the food industries assist in establishing laws that protect them is through CFE s or Common Farming Exemptions. CFEs make any action legal as long as it is commonly practiced in the industry. In the book Eating animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, he agrees with my statement when he asserts that “ If the industry(food industry) adopts a practice—hacking off unwanted appendages with no painkillers, for example, but you can let your imagination run with this—it automatically becomes legal”(Foer,51). CFEs are an absurd proposition because this allows for cruelty to pervade throughout the food industries. For instance, if companies suddenly embraced a policy of hacking dogs for enjoyment. This practice would become legal. In my opinion even though CFEs are enacted state by state the practices will still almost certainly be completely ridiculous wherever they exist.

1 comment:

  1. Good intro to your blogs, when you’re talking about “food industries” and their control over others try to be specific. What food industry? Or do you mean the corporations of the food industries? I love the fact you used a dog in your scenario this brings the reader into your blog and can visualize what it is your trying to tell. The blog with no title sort of had me confused. Either you were trying to inform me of the book or Schlosser’s views or you were trying to make a point. It looked as if you were just stating comments and not an informative blog. This blog had me lost. I think if you added more of your own arguments of the topic, had a title so the reader had an idea what this blog was about, and more facts than comments I would have been able to catch on to your argument/blog. Other than that good blogs, very important topics and views.
